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Radboud University

Physics and Astronomy

Would you rather specialise in pure physics or discover the interface between physics & astronomy, mathematics, chemistry or biology? You choose! You can dive into theoretical physics or perform your own experiments. Discover new material properties in Europe’s highest magnetic fields or with unique free electron lasers, study space objects with the with the world’s largest telescopes or unravel brain activity with MRIs. At Radboud University, you can choose from six specialisations to define your field of interest within Physics and Astronomy.


Our brain has an information processing capacity that far exceeds modern supercomputers. In this specialisation, we aim at unravelling the neuro-computational mechanisms of this fascinating system using experimental approaches and advanced theory.

Particle physics and Astrophysics both use the laws of physics to study the universe. In this specialisation, you’ll dive into extreme worlds and unravel the inner workings of the universe from the smallest to the largest scales.

From individual molecules to complex solids: in this Master’s, you will study matter on a fundamental quantum-physical level and discover collective and emergent quantum phenomena for future technologies. Using theory or experiments, or both.

n Science, Management and Innovation (SMI) you will gain expertise in societal challenges, work on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and learn the ability to speak the language of policy and business.

Are you concerned about what is going on in the world? Do you have an interest in people, policies, science and society? In this specialisation, you study the relevance of science in society using theoretical principles and practical examples.